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The flowers are blooming, the days are getting warmer and the sun is peaking through the window. It’s April and spring is in the air!

I have been taking a much needed break away from my blog to really rebrand and focus on my vision for 2019 and everything that it has to offer. I have a new look for my website and have been doing my fair share of spring cleaning and I hope you will take some time to check it out :)

My usual yearly routine consists of spending the months of Jan - March to re-centre myself emotionally and spiritually. Spring cleaning for me is eliminating excess in all parts of my life. Spiritual, emotional and physical baggage that takes up room or energy. Clearing old negative energies and spaces makes room for positive energies, clean spaces and personal clarity.  

The last year has taught me so much about self love and creating spaces, mindsets and relationships that help me vibrate higher in all aspects of my life. It is so important to be conscious about the kind of energies we let in our environment. Energy cannot be eliminated, only displaced. This is just basic physics and the universal law. The goal is to always displace negative spaces and energies with clear space and positive vibrations.

Here are some ways you can spring clean your physical and mental spaces to bring in the fresh harvest for spring

1. Physical 

Clear your closet, vanity and room of any items that you are no longer using. Either store them away for safe keeping or throw them out entirely. Hoarding items or staying emotionally attached to objects we do not use only causes unnecessary clutter. Clear your closet of any clothes that you no longer wear and donate them to your closest shelter. Keep only the essentials and items that truly “spark joy” and help you feel great.

Detox your body by fasting or eating a plant based or pescatarian diet. This can help rid your body of toxins. Warm water, honey and lemon can flush your body of impurities and help balance your ph levels. Commit to a physical exercise routine that helps you jump start your day even if it is just 5 minutes every morning!

Clear your phone, laptop, hard drives and social media of excess files, content or messages. Take the time to organize the files and photos you want to keep and create space for new memories and projects.


2. Mental / Spiritual

Cleanse your aura and spiritual space by burning sage or incense around your home. This not only helps clear out negative energies but also helps make space for positive vibrations. Practice mediations to help manage your thoughts and be present in the now. I use the Headspace and Brainwave apps to help me switch gears every-time I feel like I’m in a slump. Yoga and dance for me is also a part of my spiritual weekly practice that helps me vibrate higher.

Address grievances, negative emotions and trauma in a journal to help you clear your mind. Write in a daily gratitude journal to help you keep stock of the positives in your life no matter where you are currently in your journey. Write in a gratitude journal as soon as you wake up and before you go to bed to set you on the right frequency for the day. I use the 5 Minute journal daily, it helps me stay positive and focus on my blessings rather than my problems. Always remember “like attracts like” and staying positive will attract more positives into your life

Share the load and reach out to friends who you trust and share any thoughts you’ve been having. Reassess your current relationships and ask questions like: Am I Happy? Am I overwhelmed? What can I improve? Clear any one sided relationships so you can focus that energy on creating more fruitful bonds that promote mutual love and care.

Take stock of activities, bonds and passions that bring you inner joy and make space for more of these in your life ~ Happy Spring!  


See this content in the original post